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Behavioral Modeling and Analysis: Technical Services

Our behavioral modeling efforts offer unique capabilities for highly specialized use cases. These include abilities to model human/sociological phenomena and provide prediction criteria to the accompanying output. Application services include crime analysis, purchasing prediction, voting trends, performance assessment, and many others.  

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Behavioral Modeling and Analysis: Systems Development

Our behavioral sciences software is focused on prototype and experimental development aligned with specific use cases. The themes represent the following focus areas: Behavioral and Decision Modeling, Social Network Analysis, and Geospatial Analysis of Human Phenomena.

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Behavioral Sciences and Modeling

Our behavioral modeling efforts target highly specialized complex use cases and include abilities to model human/sociological phenomena and provide predictions. Applications include crime analysis, purchasing prediction, voting trends, performance assessment, and many others, combining expertise in cultural geography, sociology, psychology, and statistics. The methodologies and software created by our team offer cutting-edge technologies that satisfy customers’ most demanding modeling needs.